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Critical Agendas

The GET conference aim is to GET real action, GET real projects, GET real partnerships. To ensure the event’s success in delivering concrete results, we are working with a number of knowledge partners who have identified key challenges to accelerating the energy transition.

Earlier this year, the knowledge partners shared an initial abstract for consultation with stakeholders. The stakeholder consultation period has now concluded and the knowledge partners have produced the papers below for discussion during GET.

These papers provide an overview of key challenges for the Energy Transition as well as proposed solutions and next steps. In advance of the GET Congress we encourage you to read these papers and then join the live discussion panels in Milan from 1-3 July to get involved with the conversation.

The authors and the papers:

  • Funding the energy transition by Leyre de Adrian, General Manager - Energy Sales and Marketing, Fortescue
  • Tackling the oil and gas industry’s methane challenge by Elena Belletti Global Head of Carbon Research, Wood Mackenzie
  • Decarbonising the global shipping industry by Paul Kettlety, Chairman, LansdowneMoritz
  • Global climate change regulation without borders by Ben Shorten and Lena Sandberg, Gibson Dunn


Ahead of GET Congress 2024, we encourage you to read these recommendations papers.

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Critical Agenda Sessions

Critical Agenda: Funding the energy transition: Overcoming obstacles to Final Investment Decision
Monday 1 July 2024: 13:45 - 14:45

Fortescue (1)

Session format: Paper presentation and panel discussion

Economic headwinds and larger geostrategic trends have added further financial pressure on businesses seeking capital for lower carbon projects. With no clear methodology for demonstrating bankability, uneven risk profiles and uncertainty on regulatory compliance, a recurring roadblock on the road to net zero is restricted access to capital. In this Critical Agenda session, GET knowledge partners Fortescue, will present a series of recommendations, developed in consultation with a range of stakeholders, for overcoming these difficulties and deploying much needed energy transition funds at global scale. In a follow-up panel discussion, experts will consider these findings, as well as the unfolding impact of landmark net zero legislation.  

GET the answers: 

  • How have policy programmes such as REPowerEU, the Inflation Reduction Act and China’s 14th Five-Year Plan affected investor appetite for decarbonisation projects and technologies? 
  • Are predictions of a “global race to the top” on lower carbon energy solutions overly optimistic? 
  • Is traditional thinking around investment risk analysis slowing progress on the energy transition? 


Lord John Browne

Lord John Browne

Chairman BeyondNetZero


Arnaud Pieton

Arnaud Pieton

Chief Executive Officer Technip Energies
Dr. Philip Mshelbila

Dr. Philip Mshelbila

MD and CEO Nigeria LNG Ltd
Demetrios Papathanasiou

Demetrios Papathanasiou

Global Director for the Energy and Extractives Global Practice The World Bank
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Themes: Net zero impasses; Decarbonisation capital; Corporate and consumer behaviours 

Critical Agenda: Tackling the oil and gas industry’s methane challenge
Tuesday 2 July 2024: 12:15 - 13:15

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Session format: Paper presentation and panel discussion

Methane is responsible for almost a third of the emissions-induced increase in global temperatures since the start of the industrial era, second only to CO2 in its impact on climate change. 

To help reduce this, the oil and gas industry must tackle its methane emissions. The sector accounts for almost a quarter of human-caused methane emissions, coming from both large–scale venting and innumerable small, undetected, or unreported leaks across the oil and gas value chain. 

In this critical agenda session, our knowledge partners, Wood Mackenzie, will present a series of recommendations, developed in consultation with a range of stakeholders, for utilising new and existing methane emissions abatement solutions. In a follow-up panel discussion, experts will consider the findings. 

GET the answers: 

  • What are the key obstacles to successful methane emissions reductions across the oil and gas industry and related value chains? 

Themes: Net zero impasses; Corporate and consumer behaviour change; Climate action beyond carbon

Critical agenda paper presented by

Elena Belletti

Elena Belletti

Global Head of Carbon Research Wood Mackenzie


Eithne Treanor

Eithne Treanor

Founder and CEO ETreanor Media


Olakunle Osobu

Olakunle Osobu

Deputy Managing Director Nigeria LNG Ltd
Nooshin Behroyan

Nooshin Behroyan

CEO Paxon Energy & Infrastructure
Giulia Ferrini

Giulia Ferrini

Programme Manager – Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 UNEP
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Themes: Net zero impasses; Corporate and consumer behaviour change; Climate action beyond carbon

Critical Agenda: Decarbonising the global shipping industry
Tuesday 2 July 2024: 14:15 - 15:15

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Session format: Paper presentation and panel discussion

The shipping sector is responsible for moving roughly 90% of globally traded goods, and 3% of worldwide CO2 equivalent emissions. Recent growth in shipping demand has led to a commensurate rise in sector-based emissions, evidence of the tension between economic growth prerogatives and climate action.  

In mid-2023, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) released a revised GHG Strategy which aims to bring the pace of decarbonisation in the shipping sector into line with the Paris Agreement. The new IMO target has shifted from a 50% reduction in maritime emissions by 2050, to net-zero by that date.  

However, this ambitious target is beset by a number of troublesome realities. The vast array of seafaring vessels currently in use, lingering uncertainty around compliance, unproven technologies, underdeveloped infrastructure and a shortage of deployable funds make for a familiar set of challenges. In many ways, the challenge of emissions reduction in the maritime industry will serve as a bellwether for other hard-to-abate sectors.   

In this Critical Agenda session, GET knowledge partners, Lansdowne Moritz, will present a series of recommendations for surmounting these obstacles and realising the IMO’s vision for lower carbon shipping.  

Then, in a follow-up panel discussion, experts will consider these findings. 

GET the answers: 

  • How is the diverse range of low-carbon alternative marine fuels, and the wider global regulatory environment, reshaping the maritime sector? 

Critical agenda paper presented by

Paul Kettlety

Paul Kettlety

Chairman LANSDOWNEMoritz


Peter Jameson

Peter Jameson

Managing Director and Partner BCG


Håkan Agnevall

Håkan Agnevall

President and CEO Wärtsilä Corporation
Torben Nørgaard

Torben Nørgaard

Chief Technology Officer – Energy & Fuels Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping
Dr Juan Mario Michan

Dr Juan Mario Michan

CEO & Founder Daphne Technology
Captain Walter Purio

Captain Walter Purio

Marine Advisor to the Clean Combustion Research Center King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
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Themes: Net zero impasses; Sustainability at scale; Corporate and consumer behaviour change 

Critical Agenda: Climate change regulation without borders
Tuesday 2 July 2024: 17:00 - 18:00

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Session format: Paper presentation and panel discussion

In the words of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, "climate change knows no borders." It is a global phenomenon that transcends national identity, affecting everyone. Nevertheless, in order to keep pace with accelerated global emissions targets and developing technologies, as well as changing demands and socio-political dynamics, governments worldwide have been forced to introduce their own rules. The result is a patchwork of widely different regulations. 

To fully realise the green economic growth opportunity, actors in the marketplace need to know their obligations, and have a chance of meeting them. That is only fully possible through the adoption of climate change rules that “know no borders.” There is a pressing need for worldwide rules based on an agreed set of fundamental principles as regards both incentives and penalties.  

In this Critical Agenda session, GET knowledge partners, Gibson Dunn, will present a series of recommendations, developed in consultation with a range of stakeholders, on achieving international climate regulatory alignment. In a follow-up panel discussion, experts will consider the findings. 

GET the answers: 

  • What are the key impediments to global harmonisation on climate regulations and how can they be overcome?  
  • How does harmonisation stand to benefit climate investors, related industries and civil society at large?  
  • Are there any notable precedents of industries adopting global standards and regulatory frameworks for the betterment of practices and outcomes?  

Critical agenda paper presented by

Ben Shorten

Ben Shorten

Partner Gibson Dunn
Lena Sandberg

Lena Sandberg

Partner Gibson Dunn


Nik Gowing

Nik Gowing

Founder and Co-Director Thinking the Unthinkable


Honourable Willie L. Phillips

Honourable Willie L. Phillips

Chairman US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Yelda Guven

Yelda Guven

VP, Policy and Advocacy – Europe, Africa and Middle East ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions
Assoc. Prof. Sudharma Yoonaidharma

Assoc. Prof. Sudharma Yoonaidharma

Commissioner Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) of Thailand
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Themes: Sustainability at scale; Inclusive green growth; Corporate and consumer behaviour change