Confirmed Sponsors

Maximise your global network and elevate your brand before an audience of 16,000+

GET attracts a prestigious gathering of ministers, influential professionals, industry strategists, and policymakers from around the world who are engaged in the energy value chain. By becoming a sponsor, you gain unparalleled visibility over the course of the exhibition, conference, and networking events, allowing you to make a powerful impact on your brand's reputation. 

As a sponsor of GET, you gain an exceptional platform to position your business at the forefront of the industry. With a focus on natural gas, LNG, hydrogen, low-carbon solutions, and climate technologies, the event provides a prime opportunity to showcase your brand, products, and services to key stakeholders. This strategic positioning allows you to reinforce your industry leadership and establish meaningful connections with influential players. 

GET sponsorship is carefully designed to enhance your company's profile before, during, and after the event. With a staggering attendance of 16,000 attendees across three days, your business gains unparalleled access to new markets, potential clients, and strategic partnerships. By leveraging the event's extensive network, you can propel your brand to new heights and seize remarkable growth opportunities. 

Why Sponsor?

Gain investment

Sponsoring the GET Congress and Exhibition provides a unique opportunity to align your brand with industry leaders, network with key stakeholders, and gain investment that can contribute to your business objectives and growth.

Build brand awareness

By becoming a sponsor, your brand will gain significant exposure and visibility among a targeted audience of industry professionals, positioning your company as a trusted and influential player in the energy sector.

Inspire thought leadership

Showcase your expertise and industry knowledge by participating in panel discussions, presenting keynote speeches, or hosting workshops, allowing you to establish your brand as a thought leader and influencer within the energy community.

Demonstrate innovative approaches

Highlight your company's cutting-edge solutions, technologies, and initiatives to a discerning audience, showcasing your commitment to innovation and positioning your brand as a pioneer in the energy sector.

Generate business opportunities

Sponsoring the GET Congress and Exhibition opens doors to valuable business connections, enabling you to engage with potential clients, investors, and partners, fostering collaborations that can lead to new business opportunities and market expansion.

Access new markets

With an audience of 20,000+ industry professionals on the event floor and an online database upwards of 1.4 million contacts, the Global Energy Transition Congress and Exhibition is a prime opportunity to cultivate new relationships, forge opportunities and expand your network.